REST API guide

From Zero to First API Call

This guide will walk you through the steps needed to make your first API call. The goal is to retrieve the list of customers in your Severa account using an API endpoint dedicated for that purpose.

We recommend you read this guide from start to finish and then freely navigate the rest of the documentation.

To make an API call, you’ll have to

  1. create a new client id and secret
  2. obtain an API access token
  3. discover the desired endpoint
  4. make the call to the endpoint passing in the obtained access token

Create client id and secret in Severa

To create client id and secret, while logged in as the administrator in Severa, navigate to REST API under Settings.

If the REST API menu is not visible, either you don’t have the Severa REST API upgrade enabled or you’re not logged in as the administrator.

Client credentials are created from REST API under Settings.

Severa REST API requires acceptance of a terms of service agreement when first enabled. This can be read and accepted though the REST API settings page.

Click Create client credentials and fill in the target system and the purpose of the integration.

If you plan to use a 3rd party vendor to implement the integration, we recommend filling in the contact details of the partner in the Integration partner section. This information helps local Severa support during troubleshooting.

New client credentials are created by filling the target system, the purpose of integration and optional information about an integration partner.

In the Select API scopes dialog, select the permissions you wish to grant to this set of credentials. We are interested in listing all customers, so add the customers:read scope. See Scopes for a full list of available scopes.

API scopes control what operations a set of client credentials is allowed to perform.

After you hit Apply to close permissions dialog and Save to finish creating new client credentials, Severa generates a new client id and secret. We use them later to obtain an API access token.

After creating new client credentials, you’ll receive the client id and client secret.

It’s recommended that you create dedicated credentials for each 3rd party application instead of sharing the same credentials with all applications.

Environment URL

Now that you’ve created the client id and client secret, you’re ready to make your first API call. For that, you need to know where to send your requests. The URL for the current production version of Severa REST API is:

Get API access token using POST /token

Severa REST API uses OAuth 2.0 bearer tokens to authenticate API calls. You’ll receive an access token upon a successful login, and the token is sent in the HTTP header of every subsequent call.

sequenceDiagram participant U as Application participant t as /token participant c as /customers U->>+t: POST /token t->>-U: 🔑 Note over U, t: Access token U->>+c: GET /customers
Authorization: Bearer 🔑 Note over U, c: Received access token is set in Authorization-header c->>-U: .

The received access token from POST /token is sent in the Authorization HTTP header of a subsequent call.

You can obtain an access token by calling POST /token and passing in the client id, client secret and requested permission scopes. If passing multiple scopes, the scope names are separated by the space character.

We recommend requesting minimal set of scopes needed for planned operations, even if the client credentials would have access to a greater set of permissions.

In response, you’ll receive authentication information along with the user profile. The access_token field in the response holds the API access token.

Example of obtaining an access token
POST /token
Content-type: application/json

  "client_Id": "DemoCompany(tm)_i1gNXpV6i6YlVHj3HJ.ap...",
  "client_Secret": "d0b3e9d0-a20e-7c0f-a887-224659121...",
  "scope": "customers:read"
  "access_token": "haTWcVRe456kbBrNPYJtO8FzrIBKUvz...",

The access token is now authorized to perform operations with the requested permission scope. The token is valid for 1 hour. When the token is about to expire, you can refresh it using a separate call.

For all subsequent calls, you’ll pass the client id and the received access token in the HTTP header of each request. The client id is set in client_id header, and the access token is set in Authorization header with type Bearer. For example:

GET /customers
client_id: DemoCompany(tm)
Authorization: Bearer haTWcVRe456kbBrNPYJtO8FzrIBKUvz...

You now have an access token, and it’s time to find the right endpoint. The endpoints in the Severa REST API are grouped by scopes:

  • CustomersRead
  • CustomersWrite
  • CustomersDelete
  • UsersRead
  • ProjectsRead
  • SettingsRead
  • InvoicesRead

A detailed description of the endpoints is available in API Specification.

The API Specification includes the customers family of endpoints along with accepted parameters and return values.

The GET /customers endpoint returns a list of customers in your Severa account. That’s the endpoint you’re going to use.

Make API call by passing access token

Now, you have an access token, and you’ve identified the endpoint you want to use. You’re ready to make the call.

Make a GET request to /customers endpoint and pass the client id and secret in the HTTP header. The client id is set in client_id HTTP header and the access token in Authorization HTTP header using the type Bearer.

GET /customers
client_id: DemoCompany(tm)
Authorization: Bearer haTWcVRe456kbBrNPYJtO8FzrIBKUvz...
sequenceDiagram participant U as Application participant c as /customers U->>+c: GET /customers
client_id: i1gNXpV6...
Authorization: Bearer haTWcVRe... Note over U, c: Client id and received access token
is set in HTTP header c->>-U: .

A call to GET /customers authenticates by sending the client id and client secret in the HTTP headers.

As a response, you’ll receive a list of customers in your Severa account.

Example response of GET /customers
Content-type: application/json

        "guid": "14523e93-1096-3fc2-7256-165b9064f4c1",
        "name": "Customer A",
        "number": 1199,
        "isActive": true,
        "isInternal": false,
        "notes": null,
        "email": null,

At this point, you’ve completed the task we set out to do - to get a list of customers in your Severa account. You performed all steps needed to make the call happen: creating a client secret, obtaining an access token and finding the right API.

Ready to dive into rest of documentation

Now that you’ve got the basics covered, you’re ready to freely navigate the rest of the documentation. You might be interested in common Use Cases, read more about the Concepts used in the API, or dive into the API Specification for a detailed list of the available endpoints and allowed parameters.

Uses cases

Import work hours

Importing work hours from a 3rd party application into Severa is a common use case. This can be, for example, to transfer hours from a time tracking system to Severa for invoicing.

Model of work hours and projects

A work hour is associated with user, project phase and work type. Project phase, in turn, is associated with a project.

flowchart TD WH[Work Hour] U[User] P[Project] PP[Project Phase] WT[Work Type] WH --- U WH --- PP PP --- P WH --- WT

A work hour is related to user, project phase and work type.

Determine values for user, project phase and work type

In order to insert a work hour, the existing user, project phase and work type must be known. Severa uses "guid"s to reference other objects.


Users can be fetched from the GET /users endpoint. Email address is a good candidate when matching users from Severa to users in the 3rd party application.

Ideally, you’d synchronize user data completely into the 3rd party application before starting to import work hours. This avoids re-querying the API for user data for each imported hour. See Synchronizing data.

Project phase

Projects in Severa consist of project phases, and work hours are targeted specifically to a project phase.

There are a couple of options to fetch project phases. One way is to get a list of projects using GET /projects, and then get the phases of one particular project using GET /projects/{guid}/phaseswithhierarchy

It might not be possible to automatically match a project name in the 3rd party application with a project phase name in Severa. In such a case, a manual mapping configuration in the 3rd party application is one option. In that approach, the "guid" of a project phase is saved in the 3rd party application, and that value is then used when importing the hours to Severa.

Work type

Work hours in Severa are reported using a work type. You can get the list of available work types with GET /phases/{guid}/worktypes.

You can try to map the work types by name from the 3rd party application to Severa or have it preconfigured, similar to the project phase.

Insert work hour

Once you know the "guid" of referenced user, project phase and work type, you’re ready to insert a work hour using POST /workhours endpoint. The request payload looks like the following:

A request to `POST /workhours` refers to existing user, project phase and work type.
  "eventDate": "2020-11-12",
  "description": "Ad setup for Black Friday campaign",
  "quantity": 7.5,
  "phase": {
    "guid": "7ffc8c0e-cbcd-1e9d-583f-986f9318da92"
  "user": {
    "guid": "edb87bb4-bbd8-667e-5dd8-a09962ce49ae"
  "workType": {
    "guid": "afd56169-82ab-8bc7-41c4-9ad10a05210f"

As a result, you receive the newly created row including the "guid" for the workhour. Store this in the 3rd party application to be able to update or delete the row later.

Synchronize modifications in 3rd party application to Severa

Whenever the data changes in the 3rd party application, the changes should be reflected in Severa. Propagate changes using PATCH /workhours/{guid}, see Updating. Delete work hours using DELETE /workhours/{guid}.

There are limits to what can be changed. For example, a day can be closed, or a work hour can be invoiced, in which cases the hours cannot be modified.

Send invoices and monitor payments

Transferring invoice sending and payment monitoring to outside of Severa is a common use case. The invoice is created in Severa based on work hours, project fees and travel expenses. Once the invoice is approved in Severa, the 3rd party application takes over the sending and payment monitoring. Later, when the application notices a payment, it updates the invoice status in Severa.

Model of invoices, invoice statuses and invoice rows

Severa organizes invoice data into a few separate models. The main entry point is invoices. Invoices refer to invoice status, and the individual items of an invoice are stored as invoice rows.

flowchart TD I[Invoice] IS[Invoice Status] IR[Invoice Row] I --- IS I --- IR

Invoice consists of invoice status and invoice rows.

Invoice status workflow

Severa allows customized invoice statuses. This allows tailoring the invoicing process for each business domain. At a minimum, there should be four statuses:

  • Draft - the invoice has not yet been finalized and is likely change
  • Approved - the invoice has been completed and is ready to be sent to the customer
  • Sent - the invoice has been sent to the customer and is awaiting payment
  • Paid - the invoice has been fully paid
flowchart LR D(Draft) A(Approved) S(Sent) P(Paid) D .-> A .-> S .-> P

At a minimum, four invoice statuses are needed for externalizing invoice sending and payment monitoring.

Get Approved invoices

The first step is to get the invoices in the Approved state from Severa. They are invoices that are ready to be sent to the customer. The steps needed are:

  1. get the list of invoice statuses to find the target guid of the Approved state
  2. get invoices that match the desired state
  3. get invoice rows for matching invoices

The application would perform this process periodically, for example, every hour.

Get list of invoice statuses

To get a list of invoice statuses, make a request to GET /invoicestatuses. Store the result in an internal representation in the 3rd party application. The statuses are needed when updating invoices later.

Get invoices with Approved status

Get the list of invoices in Approved status, make a request to GET /invoices?invoiceStatusGuid={guid} and pass in the guid for the Approved status fetched earlier.

Get invoice rows

Once the invoices have been received, the individual invoice rows can be fetched with a request to GET /invoices/{guid}/invoicerows. This should be performed once for each invoice received in the previous step.

Update invoice Sent status, invoice number and reference number in Severa

Now, the 3rd party application has received all Approved status invoices and related data. It then generates an invoice number and a payment reference number for each invoice. The application updates these numbers to Severa and sets the status of such invoice to Sent. Then, the application proceeds with delivering the invoices to the customers.

To update invoice data, make a PATCH /invoices/{guid} request (see Updating). A guid is used to refer to the Sent invoice status.

Invoice number, reference number and status is updated using JSON Patch format.
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/status",
      "guid": "0d0d19ef-216a-ecda..."
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/number",
    "value": 45

Update invoice Paid status in Severa

Once the 3rd party application notices the invoiced amount has fully been paid, the application updates the invoice status in Severa to Paid. This is done using request to PATCH /invoices/{guid} (see Updating.) A guid is used to refer to the Paid invoice status.

Invoice status is updated using JSON Patch format.
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/status",
      "guid": "0d0d19ef-216a-ecda..."

Synchronize customers

Synchronizing customers to a 3rd party application is a common use case. This can be, for example, to use an email marketing automation software to automate sending emails.

Model of customers, contact persons and addresses

Severa organizes customer data into a few separate models. The main entry point is customers. A customer can have contact persons. Both customers and contact persons can have addresses.

flowchart TD C[Customer] CP[Contact Person] A[Address] C --- CP C --- A CP --- A

Customers can have contact persons, and both of them can have an address.

In order to synchronize customer data, fetch customers, along with contact persons and addresses.

Fetch initial data

Start by fetching the results in their entirety from the following endpoints:

  • GET /customers
  • GET /contactpersons
  • GET /addresses

Remember that the results are potentially large and that they are paged. Use the highest possible value for rowCount, and keep sending more requests with increasing firstRow until you have receive all the data.

Once you have received everything, it’s time to link together the data from the three different endpoints. Each object contains a uniquely identifying "guid" property, and other objects can refer to each other using these identifiers.


A customer can be linked to a headquarter address by connecting the "headquarterAddress.guid" to a matching "guid" in received addresses.

flowchart TD C[Customer] A[Address] C-. "headquarterAddress.guid" .->A

A customer can be linked to a headquarter address using "headquarterAddress.guid".

Contact person

A contact person can be linked to a customer using "customer.guid" and the contact person’s address can be connected by with "addressGuid".

flowchart TD C[Customer] CP[Contact Person] A[Address] CP-. addressGuid .->A CP-. "customer.guid" ..->C

A contact person can be linked with a customer and an address using "customer.guid" and "addressGuid".

Use this knowledge of unique "guid" identifiers and references to translate the received data into a data structure in your 3rd party application. Make sure you store the original "guid" from Severa to be able to update the rows later.

Periodically query for changed rows

Once you’ve received all the data once, you can use changedSince query to get only the added or modified rows. You can perform this query periodically, for example, once an hour.

sequenceDiagram participant A as Application participant C as /customers A->>C: GET /customers C->>A: all loop Once an hour A->>C: GET /customers?changedSince=... C->>A: changed end

After initially fetching all rows, only the changed rows are queried at a regular interval.

To avoid matching incoming data with a non-existent reference, retrieve the changed and added rows in reversed dependency order:

  1. addresses
  2. customers
  3. contact persons

Link the received changed and added rows with the existing data.

Deleted rows

In the case of a customer, contact person or address is deleted, the deleted row is not included in a changedSince query. Currently, the only way to take into account deleted rows is to fetch again the intiial data in its entirety, see which "guid"’s are no longer included in the results, and delete those from the 3rd party application.



Client credentials

The client id and client secret, collectively called the client credentials, are required to obtain an API access token. Client credentials are created in Severa.

You can create up to 10 credentials. We recommend that you create separate credentials for each 3rd party application you integrate with.

If you integrate Severa with an email marketing software and a reporting service, you’d create two credentials and dedicate one for each service.

See From Zero to First API Call for instructions on how to create client credentials.

Error: Invalid client credentials

In case of an invalid client id and client secret, Severa REST API responds with the HTTP status code 401. When this happens, you should review the correct values for client id and client secret under Settings and REST API in Severa. Make sure the values are entered according to the instructions in From Zero to First API Call.

Using invalid client id or client secret results in HTTP status 401 response and an error message.
401 Unauthorized

  "error": {
    "httpStatusCode": 401,
    "type": "AuthenticationRequired",
    "details": [
        "message": "No client id with given credentials found or client id is disabled or inactive.",
        "location": null

Client id

The client id is a unique string that identifies the 3rd party application calling Severa REST API. The client id is used during the authentication flow. Each 3rd party application should have its own client id. The client id is part of the client credentials.

See From Zero to First API Call for instructions on how to create client credentials and to obtain an API access token.

Client secret

The client secret is used during authentication to obtain an API access token. The client secret is part of client credentials.

See From Zero to First API Call for instructions on how to obtain an API access token.

Integration partner

If you’re using an external partner to implement the integration to Severa, it’s recommended that you give their contact information to Visma to help in troubleshooting. Integration partner contact details can be filled under client credentials.

Integration partner details can be filled under client credentials.

See From Zero to First API Call for instructions on how to create client credentials.

Access token

Severa REST API uses access tokens to verify a caller has the permission to access an API. You can obtain an access token by calling POST /token. The access token is then sent in the HTTP header of each subsequent request.

See From Zero to First API Call for instructions on how to obtain an access token and use it to authenticate calls.

Error: Invalid access token

In case of an invalid access token, Severa REST API responds with the HTTP status code 401. When this happens, you should make sure the access token is entered according to the instructions in From Zero to First API Call. You should also check that the access token has not expired.

Using invalid access token results in HTTP status 401 response and an error message.
401 Unauthorized

  "error": {
    "httpStatusCode": 401,
    "type": "AuthenticationRequired",
    "details": [
        "message": "Authorization header is missing, given access token is not valid, wrong Client_Id or Client is not allowed to use api.",
        "location": null

Token expiration

The access token received from POST /token is valid for a fixed length of time. By default, the expiration time is 1 hour.

The exact amount of seconds the token is valid and the last valid timestamp in UTC time is included in the result from POST /token.

Response from `POST /token` contains access token expiration information.
  "expires_in": 3600.0,
  "expires_utc": "2020-12-01T12:42:38+00:00",

You can refresh the access token using a separate endpoint and a refresh token included in the POST /token response.

Refresh access token

An API access token is valid for a fixed amount of time. Severa REST API provides a way to continue the session beyond the expiration time. To continue the session, call POST /refreshtoken and pass the refresh_token value from the original response to POST /token.

The response to POST /token contains the refresh token and its expiration information. The refresh token is valid for 24 hours by default.

Response to `POST /token` contains refresh token and its expiration information.
  "refresh_token": "OAAxADYAMwAxAGIAMQAwAC0A...",
  "refresh_token_expires_in": 7200.0,
  "refresh_token_expires_utc": "2020-12-01T13:42:38+00:00"

In the call to POST /refreshtoken, the refresh token is passed in as a JSON string in the payload. Make sure to pass the token wrapped in double-quotes (").

POST /refreshtoken
Content-type: application/json
client_id: company_client_id_here


If you reached the expiration time of the refresh token, POST /refreshtoken is no longer an option, and you should re-authenticate using POST /token.

Each client can have one refreshtoken active at a time. This means that calling POST /token invalidates any previously existing refreshtokens and those can not be used to refresh the token they were originally supplied with. Only one bearer and refresh token should be used at one time per client.

Changed since

Some results are large, and instead of getting all the rows, it’s more efficient to only get the rows changed since the last retrieval. For selected endpoints, Severa REST API provides a way to get new or changed rows since a given timestamp.

Query for changed rows by setting the changedSince query parameter. The parameter accepts a timestamp and will return only rows added or changed after the given timestamp. The timestamp is inclusive, and the result includes the rows created or modified on the exact timestamp queried.

The timestamp must follow a form supported by DateTimeOffset. For example, you can use yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ in UTC time.

For example, to get the user rows that have changed since 2020-11-30 12:34:12 UTC time, you’d make the following request GET /users?changedSince=2020-11-30T12:34:12.000Z.

See also Synchronize customers to 3rd party application for an example of using changedSince with customer data.

Client generation

Severa REST API documentation is based on OpenAPI 3.0, which allows the usage of 3rd party client generators to automatically create source code for accessing the API.

Client generators require either an address to or an actual .json file to base the client on. The latest production API version .json file is available at


Production environment

Severa REST API is available at:

Test environment

It’s beneficial to separate development of the application and production use. Severa provides a test environment where it’s safe to modify the data during development.

Contact local support to get access to the environment and to be able to create client credentials and test data.

After you’ve created client credentials, the test environment is available at:


In case an operation fails, Severa REST API responds with an error message. The response is sent using one of the error HTTP status codes defined in RFC 2616. The payload contains detailed information about the error in both human and machine-readable form.

For example, trying to use an invalid access token results in 401 HTTP status code and an error message.

Error responses provide details in both human and machine-readable form.
401 Unauthorized

  "error": {
    "httpStatusCode": 401,
    "type": "AuthenticationRequired",
    "details": [
        "message": "Authorization header is missing, given access token is not valid, wrong Client_Id or Client is not allowed to use api.",
        "location": null

The error message contains the following fields:

Field Description
error.httpStatusCode The HTTP status code the response was sent with. Uses HTTP status codes defined in RFC 2626. For example 401 Unauthorized.
error.type The type of error that occurred in Severa. See the accompanying table for a list of possible values.
error.details An array of objects each describing the error in more detail. It may contain multiple items, for example, in case of a validation error.
error.details[].message A human-readable description of the occurred error.
error.details[].location In case of validation errors, contains the path of the offending value.

The structure of an error message.

The error.type value describes in more detail what was the cause of the error. The possible values are:

error.type value Description
"InternalSystemError" default value
"InvalidParameter" request contains invalid parameter
"InvalidOperation" requested operation was invalid
"InvalidRequest" request is invalid, for unknown reason
"ConfigurationError" something is wrong with the client organization settings
"BlockedByFirewall" firewall heuristics evaluated the request as malicious

Possible values for error.type in an error message.

If your request returns status code 403 and error type BlockedByFirewall and you think it’s a false positive please contact API support.


Severa REST API delivers large results using pages. The result of a single call contains 100 items by default. You can increase the number of items by setting the rowCount query parameter. The maximum value for rowCount is 1000. Omitting rowCount is the equivalent of setting rowCount=100.

Some endpoints allow larger values for rowCount than 1000. SEE the API Specification for details.

There are two different pagination techniques, row based pagination and token based pagination. Row based pagination is the default pagination used in versions 0.2 and older, token based pagination is used in versions 1.0 and newer.

Row based pagination

You can determine if there are more items left by comparing the result size to rowCount. If the result is smaller than rowCount, then you’ve reached the end. Otherwise, you should make another request.

The next chunk of items can be fetched by setting the firstRow query parameter. The parameter makes the result set start on the requested 0-based index instead of the beginning of data. Omitting firstRow is the equivalent of setting firstRow=0.

For example, when fetching 230 customers using rowCount=100

  • The first call would have no firstRow at all (or firstRow=0) and return 100 rows
  • The second call would have firstRow=100 and return 100 rows
  • And finally, the third call would have firstRow=200 and return 30 rows. You would know this is the last chunk since the number of returned rows is less than the requested rowCount.

Token based pagination

Token based pagination uses an encoded token containing information about the request parameters and the last returned row to allow fetching large amounts of data in chunks. This pagination uses rowCount just like row based pagination but includes a new response header value and a new query parameter to handle pagination instead of firstRow. Token based pagination only supports fetching data sequentially one page after the other.

Request header NextPageToken contains the encoded token for accessing the next page. If this header is not returned, there are no further pages of data. Query parameter pageToken is used to continue fetching data from the end of the previous page by using the header value provided.

For example, when fetching 230 customers using rowCount=100

  • The first call would have no pageToken parameter and return 100 rows and a NextPageToken=token1
  • The second call would use pageToken=token1 parameter and return 100 rows and a NextPageToken=token2
  • And finally, the third call would have pageToken=token2 and return 30 rows. This call would not return a NextPageToken header.

Page token contains the search criterias used to fetch the initial page of data and validates that these are not changed between different page fetches. This means that all pages of data must be fetched using the same criterias.

For example, when fetching 230 customers using rowCount=100 and isActive parameter.

  • The first call would have a parameter isActive=true, return 100 rows and a NextPageToken=token1
  • The second call would use pageToken=token1&isActive=false. This returns an error because the pageToken value is only valid for queries where isActive=true.

Rate limit

Severa REST API is rate limited, and a 3rd party application rate limits can be found from Fair use policy.

If an application exceeds the limit, the API responds with HTTP status 429 and an error message info which rate limit has been exceeded:

Status: 429 Too Many Requests 

API calls quota exceeded! maximum admitted 10 per Second.

Exceeding rate limit causes HTTP status 429 and an error message.

Strategies to avoid hitting rate limit

Instead of getting a large result set, you can use endpoints that support changedSince parameter to only get recently added and modified items. This way, the application can get the desired data using fewer calls. See Synchronize customers to 3rd party application for an example of this approach.


Severa REST API supports fine-grained access control through permission scopes. When creating client credentials, the administrator defines which permissions are allowed for that set of credentials. And later, when obtaining an API access token, the caller requests a subset of those permissions to be granted for the access token. The caller cannot request permission that has not been allowed for that set of credentials.

The scopes are organized by topic and operation. Topics can be, for example, customers, projects and invoices. Operations are read, write and delete.

Topic Scope names Description
Customers customers:read, customers:write, customers:delete customer resources
Projects projects:read, projects:write, projects:delete project resources
Invoices invoices:read, invoices:write, invoices:delete invoice resources
Hours hours:read, hours:write, hours:delete work hour resources
Travels travels:read, travels:write, travels:delete travel expense related resources
Fees fees:read, fees:write, fees:delete project fee related resources
Activities activities:read, activities:write, activities:delete activity resources
Absences absences:read, absences:write, absences:delete absences and private activities
Users users:read, users:write, users:delete user resources
Organization organization:read, organization:write organization-level resources
Settings settings:read, settings:write, settings:delete settings resources
Files files:read files
Resource allocations resourceallocations:read resource allocations

For example, if an integration partner is used to implement an email marketing automation software integration, client credentials with the permission customers:read can only be added for them. This way, sensitive information, such as hours and invoices, is not accessible.

See From Zero to First API Call for an example of obtaining an access token and requesting permissions.

Error: Requested scope not allowed for client credentials

If you’re trying to request a scope during a call to POST /token that’s not enabled for the client credentials you’re using, Severa REST API responds with a 401 Unauthorized. You can check the response header X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes for a list of scopes that are available for this set of client credentials.

To fix this, you should configure the enabled scopes in Severa.

Example of requested scope not allowed
401 Unauthorized
X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes: customers:read

  "error": {
    "httpStatusCode": 401,
    "type": "AuthenticationRequired",
    "details": [
        "message": "Requested scope 'customers:write' is not allowed for the api client.",
        "location": null

Error: Insufficent permissions for operation

If you’re making a call to an endpoint that requires permission that the API access token currently doesn’t have, Severa REST API responds with a 403 Forbidden response. The response contains X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes header that lists the required permissions. The X-OAuth-Scopes header lists the permissions currently assigned to the access token.

You should request a new API access token using POST /token with the necessary scopes enabled.

Example of insufficient permission for operation
403 Forbidden
X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes: projects:read
X-OAuth-Scopes: customers:read

  "error": {
    "httpStatusCode": 403,
    "type": "InsufficientApiScope",
    "details": [
        "message": "Scope needed: projects:read",
        "location": null

Search within text

Severa REST API supports searching for a matching string across multiple fields in the target resource. Search by setting the textToSearch query parameter.

The search is case insensitive and matches inside strings. For example, searching for user “Jon” matches “Jones”. Also, the specification of which fields get searched varies from one endpoint to another.

For example, to search for a contact person that matches the string “John” in contact persons name, call GET v1/contactpersons?textToSearch=John

The searched fields vary from one endpoint to another. For a full list of searches supported in version v1.0, see the table below.

Endpoint Searched fields
/bankaccounts bank account name
/businessunits business unit name
/communicationtypes communication type name
/contactpersons contact person’s name or communication method ( number or email address)
/contactroles contact role name
/costaccounts cost account name or identifier
/costcenters cost center name or identifier
/customers/{customerGuid}/contactpersons contact person’s name or communication method ( number or email address)
/industries industry name
/invoicerows/{invoiceRowGuid}/reimbursedprojecttravelexpenses name or description
/invoices/{invoiceGuid}/reimbursedprojecttravelexpenses name or description
/invoicestatuses invoice status name
/keywords keyword
/leadsources lead source name
/marketsegments market segment name
/overtimes overtime name
/permissionprofiles permission profile name
/pricelists pricelist name
/pricelistversions/{pricelistVersionGuid}/productprices Product name
/pricelistversions/{pricelistVersionGuid}/travelprices Product name
/projects/{projectGuid}/productprices Product name
/projects/{projectGuid}/projectworktypes work type name
/projects/{projectGuid}/travelprices Product name
/projects/{projectGuid}/worktypesforproject name or code
/projectstatustypes CaseStatusType name
/projecttaskstatuses activity type name
/salesaccounts cost account name or identifier
/salesstatustypes sales status type name
/timeentrytypes time entry type name
/travelreimbursementstatuses travel reimbursement name
/worktypes work type name or code

The textToSearch query parameter in a GET request can be used to search across multiple fields in the target resource.


Severa REST API supports sorting a result set by given set of fields. The fields can be sorted in ascending or descending order. Sort by setting the sortings query parameter and passing in the sorting specification.

The sorting specification is described as an array. Each element in the array is an object that contains two properties: key and value. The sorted field name is placed in key and the desired sorting order is placed in value. The supported sorting orders are "Asc" and "Desc".

  sortings: [
      key: "lastName",
      value: "Asc",

The array of objects is flattened into a URL query string by converting array items into indexed array subscripts sortings[0] and object properties into named subscripts sortings[0][key].


For example, getting the list of all users and sorting the result by lastUpdatedDateTime and createdDateTime, so that updated time is sorted in descending order and created time is sorted in descending order, you’d pass the following sorting specification:

  sortings: [
      key: "lastUpdatedDateTime",
      value: "Desc",
      key: "createdDateTime",
      value: "Asc",

That would be flattened into the URL query string: "GET v0.2/users?sortings[0][key]=lastUpdatedDateTime&sortings[0][value]=Desc&sortings[1][key]=createdDateTime&sortings[1][value]=Asc"

Synchronizing data

There’s often a need to access Severa data in a 3rd party application or to reflect changes in the 3rd party application in Severa. In either case, one system acts as the master and its data is synchronized to the dependent system. Changes, additions and deletions in the master system are reflected in the dependent system within a reasonable delay.

Severa as master

Exporting and synchronizing Severa data to a 3rd party application involves fetching the initial data and then periodically refreshing it.

Typically the desired information involves data from multiple endpoints. For example, customers are closely related to contact persons and addresses. You should synchronize the data from all related endpoints.

To export and synchronize:

  1. Initially, fetch all the data from an endpoint. Large results are paged, and you should query for more pages with increasing firstRow until you’ve received the result in its entirety.
  2. Link data from multiple endpoints into an internal representation in the 3rd party application. Result rows refer to each other using using unique "guid" identifiers. Store the "guid"’s in the internal representation to enable updating and deleting the rows later.
  3. Periodically query for changed and added rows in Severa using a changedSince=? query. Reflect the changes accordingly in the internal representation. It’s good to perform this frequently, for example, once an hour.
  4. Less frequently, re-fetch all the data from an endpoint, and compare the received "guid"’s to the ones already in the internal representation. If some row is no longer present in the result from Severa REST API, it has been deleted and can be removed from the 3rd party application.

See Synchronize customers to 3rd party application for a detailed example of this process with customer data.

3rd party application as master

Importing and synchronizing 3rd party application data to Severa involves pushing the initial data and then making sure changes are reflected in Severa.

Many times the inserted data refers to existing rows in Severa. Therefore, to determine the right values for referenced "guid"s, data must be first synchronized from Severa to the 3rd party application. This synchronized data must also be mapped to corresponding rows in the 3rd party application. For example, the email address can be used to match a user in the 3rd party application to a user in Severa.

Importing data from 3rd party application

  1. Synchronize referenced data to 3rd party application. See Synchronizing data with 3rd party application.
  2. Map referenced items between the 3rd party application and Severa.
  3. Insert all new data using POST calls.
  4. To reflect changes in 3rd party application to Severa, periodically:
    1. Synchronize referenced data.
    2. Update changed values in the 3rd party application to Severa using PATCH request. See Updating.
    3. Delete rows removed from 3rd party application using DELETE request.

Notice that some data cannot be changed after it has reached a certain state. For example, work hours can’t be changed after they are invoiced.


Severa REST API allows updating existing records. For endpoints that support it, send a PATCH request and pass a specification of changes using JSON Patch format.

The JSON Patch format describes changes using an array of operations. Each operation describes a change to a value in the existing document.

JSON Patch format describes changes using an array of individual operations.
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/fieldName",
    "value": "New value"

The JSON Patch specification describes operations such as add, move, copy, but in Severa REST API, only replace ("op": "replace") is supported.

In the change description, "path" describes the property in the existing document that is to be changed. The property is described using JSON Pointer notation. And, "value" contains the new value to be assigned to that property.

When updating monetary values (prices, costs etc.) both amount and currency code are required to be updated at the same time. See Money values for more details.

For example, to change the last name of the user identified with "guid": "edb87bb4-bad8-687e-5dd8-a09262ce49ae" to “Smith”, send the following request:

The last name of a user is changed by sending a `PATCH` request and a change specification.
PATCH /users/edb87bb4-bad8-687e-5dd8-a09262ce49ae
client_id: ...
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: application/json

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/lastName",
    "value": "Smith"

Money values

Monetary value handling in Severa REST API is standardized by always associating the monetary value with its corresponding currency code. This applies to both response and input models.

The money value submodel used for input purposes (POST, PATCH) contains the following fields:

    "amount": 100,
    "currencyCode": "EUR"

When updating or entering new monetary information, this model has to be populated with both of its fields. An example PATCH request updating the amount of a monetary field looks like this:

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "unitPrice",
    "value": {
        "amount": 100,
        "currencyCode": "EUR"

During the request, the currencyCode field is used to validate the operation and prevents the user from accidentally entering monetary values in invalid currencies. In the case of an invalid currency code being used, the API returns an error message instructing which currencyCode is accepted.

In a GET request response, the monetary values are returned in a similar model to allow for easy formation of the POST/PATCH request body.

    "amount": 100,
    "currencyCode": "EUR",
    "multiCurrencyInfo": null


In multi-currency organizations, the multiCurrencyInfo field of the response model also returns the monetary value in all relevant currencies. The MultiCurrencyInfo model contains these amounts grouped by the currencyCode of the specific currency purposes which indicate the context of the currencyCode. These currency purposes are defined per route and are not all applicable in every situation.

MultiCurrencyInfo model
    "amount": 100,
    "currencyCode": "EUR",
    "purpose": [
Example of Finnish users work hour unit cost entered to a project in a Norwegian company with an United States customer.
  "unitCost": {
      "amount": 419.6000,
      "currencyCode": "NOK",
      "multiCurrencyInfo": [
              "amount": 46.0000,
              "currencyCode": "USD",
              "purpose": [
              "amount": 40.0000,
              "currencyCode": "EUR",
              "purpose": [
Example of multiCurrencyInfos being grouped by currencyCode.
    "unitCost": {
        "amount": 419.6000,
        "currencyCode": "NOK",
        "multiCurrencyInfo": [
                "amount": 40.0000,
                "currencyCode": "EUR",
                "purpose": [


Severa REST API uses URL versioning scheme to differentiate between different releases. The URL path contains a v-prefixed version string to identify the release.

For example, different releases of Severa REST API are located at:

Versioning is used in all routes, except /heartbeat which is used for server availability and is not version dependent.

Fair use policy

In order to maintain optimal performance of our API and ensure that all partners and customers have a good experience we urge all developers to consider and optimize their calls and flows.

Fair use is defined as 100.000 API calls per 24 hour period and maximum of 10 API calls per second per API client.

If an App creates an excessive load on the API, Severa is at liberty, without warning, to restrict the integration’s access to our APIs, or the affected agreements access to the APIs.

OpenAPI diff

Latest changes in API are available in API Specification, by clicking “API diff” button in top right corner.


Differences from v0.2 to v1.0

What’s New

GET /v1/invoicerows

Get invoice rows

GET /v1/invoicerows/{guid}

Get invoice row by ID

DELETE /v1/invoicerows/{guid}

Deletes an invoice row

PATCH /v1/invoicerows/{guid}

Update (Patch) a invoice row or a part of it

GET /v1/travelexpensetypes/{travelExpenseTypeGuid}/travelexpensetypecountrysettings

Get all country settings for a travel expense type

POST /v1/travelexpensetypecountrysettings

Insert a travel expense type country setting

DELETE /v1/travelexpensetypecountrysettings/{guid}

Deletes a travel expense type country setting

PATCH /v1/travelexpensetypecountrysettings/{guid}

Update (Patch) a travel expense type country setting

GET /v1/vatrates

Get all organization vat rates

POST /v1/vatrates

Insert a vat rate

GET /v1/vatrates/{guid}

Get a vat rate by GUID

DELETE /v1/vatrates/{guid}

Delete a vat rate

PATCH /v1/vatrates/{guid}

Update (Patch) a vat rate or a part of it

GET /v1/resourceallocations

Get resource allocations

POST /v1/resourceallocations

Insert a resource allocation

POST /v1/resourceallocations/allocations

Get resource allocations (its POST because of being able to accommodate more filters)

GET /v1/resourceallocations/{guid}

Get resource allocation by ID

DELETE /v1/resourceallocations/{guid}

Delete an resource allocation

PATCH /v1/resourceallocations/{guid}

Update (Patch) a resource allocation or a part of it

What’s Deleted

GET /v1/filequotainformation

Get file quota information

GET /v1/valueaddedtaxes

Get all the organization Value Added Taxes

POST /v1/valueaddedtaxes

Insert a Value Added Tax

GET /v1/valueaddedtaxes/{guid}

Get a Value Added Tax by ID

DELETE /v1/valueaddedtaxes/{guid}

Delete a Value Added Tax

PATCH /v1/valueaddedtaxes/{guid}

Update (Patch) a Value Added Tax or a part of it

GET /v1/projects/{guid}/feestotal

Returns total fees and expenses for a project.

GET /v1/invoiceRows

Get invoice rows

GET /v1/invoiceRows/{guid}

Get invoice row by ID

DELETE /v1/invoiceRows/{guid}

Deletes an invoice row

PATCH /v1/invoiceRows/{guid}

Update (Patch) a invoice row or a part of it

GET /v1/uninvoicedprojects

Get projects that have something to be invoiced.

GET /v1/organizationflags

Get the flags of organization.

GET /v1/organizationflags/{identifier}

Get the flag of organization by identifier.

GET /v1/organizations/current

Get the current organization.

GET /v1/users/{userGuid}/phaseswithworkentries

Get phases the user has worked on on the given time period

GET /v1/users/{userGuid}/phasetreephases

Get a list of phases with information about hierarchy.

GET /v1/travelexpenses/{travelExpenseGuid}/travelexpensecountrysettings

Get all the country settings for a travel expense

POST /v1/travelexpensecountrysettings

Insert a travel expense country setting

DELETE /v1/travelexpensecountrysettings/{guid}

Deletes a travel expense country setting

PATCH /v1/travelexpensecountrysettings/{guid}

Update (Patch) a travel expense country setting

DELETE /v1/activityParticipants/{guid}

Delete activity participant. Obsolete.

What’s Changed

GET /v1/activities

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Added: activityCategories in query

Optional: activity category for the activities to be fetched. Should be one of Personal/Absences/CalendarEntry/SalesEvent/Task. Default all.

Added: customerGuids in query

Optional: ID of customer. Default all.

Added: projectGuids in query

Optional: ID of the project for the activities to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all projects. Default all.

Added: projectBusinessUnitGuids in query

Optional: ID of the business unit of the project based on which activities should be filtered. If not provided, returns for all business units. Default all.

Added: projectOwnerGuids in query

Optional: ID of the project manager. If not provided, returns for all project managers. Default all.

Added: userGuids in query

Optional: ID of the user for the activities to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all users. Default all.

Added: userKeywordGuids in query

Optional: User keyword Ids of activity owner to search for.

Added: phaseGuids in query

Optional: ID of the phase for the activities to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all phases. Default all.

Added: contactGuids in query

Optional: ID of the contact for the activities to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all users. Default all.

Added: activityTypeGuids in query

Optional: ID of the project activity type. Default all.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: activityCategory in query

Optional: activity category for the activities to be fetched. Should be one of Personal/Absences/CalendarEntry/SalesEvent/Task. Default all.

Deleted: customerGuid in query

Optional: ID of customer. Default all.

Deleted: projectGuid in query

Optional: ID of the project for the activities to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all projects. Default all.

Deleted: projectBusinessUnitGuid in query

Optional: ID of the business unit of the project based on which activities should be filtered. If not provided, returns for all business units. Default all.

Deleted: projectOwnerGuid in query

Optional: ID of the project manager. If not provided, returns for all project managers. Default all.

Deleted: userGuid in query

Optional: ID of the user for the activities to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all users. Default all.

Deleted: userKeywordGuid in query

Optional: User keyword Ids of activity owner to search for.

Deleted: phaseGuid in query

Optional: ID of the phase for the activities to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all phases. Default all.

Deleted: contactGuid in query

Optional: ID of the contact for the activities to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all users. Default all.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=FirstName&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=LastName&sortings[1].value=Asc”. By default, the results are sorted first by “startDateTime” (ascending) and next by endDateTime (ascending).

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from activities’ name, description, owner name, project name, customer name, participants names

Deleted: activityTypeGuid in query

Optional: ID of the project activity type. Default all.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Activities for a project New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property members (array)
POST /v1/activities

Changed content type : application/json

  • Deleted property members (array)
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Created activity

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Deleted property members (array)
GET /v1/activities/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Deleted property members (array)
PATCH /v1/activities/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

List of updated activities

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property members (array)
GET /v1/activities/{activityGuid}/activityparticipants
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ActivityParticipants for an activity

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New required properties:

    • participantGuid

    New optional properties:

    • memberGuid

    • Added property participantGuid (string)

    • Deleted property memberGuid (string)

GET /v1/activityParticipants/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed content type : application/json

    New required properties:

    • participantGuid

    New optional properties:

    • memberGuid

    • Added property participantGuid (string)

    • Deleted property memberGuid (string)

PATCH /v1/activityParticipants/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

list of updated activity participants

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New required properties:

    • participantGuid

    New optional properties:

    • memberGuid

    • Added property participantGuid (string)

    • Deleted property memberGuid (string)

POST /v1/activityParticipants


Changed content type : application/json

New required properties:

  • participantGuid

New optional properties:

  • memberGuid

  • Added property participantGuid (string)

  • Deleted property memberGuid (string)

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Added participant

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New required properties:

    • participantGuid

    New optional properties:

    • memberGuid

    • Added property participantGuid (string)

    • Deleted property memberGuid (string)

GET /v1/activitytypes

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: First row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from activity type name.

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional: Calculate total number of rows.

Deleted: includedInCalendarSync in query

Optional: Return activity types based on if they are used or not included in calendar sync (true/false).

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=Code&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New optional properties:

    • icon

    • Deleted property icon (object)

    • Deleted property includedInCalendarSync (boolean)

POST /v1/activitytypes

Changed content type : application/json

New optional properties:

  • icon

  • Deleted property icon (object)

  • Deleted property includedInCalendarSync (boolean)

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Inserted ActivityType

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New optional properties:

    • icon

    • Deleted property icon (object)

    • Deleted property includedInCalendarSync (boolean)

GET /v1/activitytypes/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Activity Type

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New optional properties:

    • icon

    • Deleted property icon (object)

    • Deleted property includedInCalendarSync (boolean)

PATCH /v1/activitytypes/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

List of updated Activity Types

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New optional properties:

    • icon

    • Deleted property icon (object)

    • Deleted property includedInCalendarSync (boolean)

GET /v1/localization/formattingCultures

Deleted: active in query

GET /v1/invoices/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Deleted property businessUnit (object)

    • Deleted property htmlText1 (object)

    • Deleted property htmlText2 (object)

    • Deleted property footerHtml (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn1 (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn2 (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn3 (string)

    • Changed property notes (object -> string)

    • Changed property status (object)

      • Deleted property isActive (boolean)

      • Deleted property isDefault (boolean)

      • Deleted property isReadOnly (boolean)

      • Deleted property hasInvoiceNumber (boolean)

      • Deleted property isDefaultForCreditNote (boolean)

      • Deleted property sortOrder (integer)

    • Changed property freeText1 (object)

      • Added property plainText (string)
PATCH /v1/invoices/{guid}

JSON patch document of InvoiceInputModel

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

list of invoices

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property businessUnit (object)

    • Deleted property htmlText1 (object)

    • Deleted property htmlText2 (object)

    • Deleted property footerHtml (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn1 (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn2 (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn3 (string)

    • Changed property notes (object -> string)

    • Changed property status (object)

      • Deleted property isActive (boolean)

      • Deleted property isDefault (boolean)

      • Deleted property isReadOnly (boolean)

      • Deleted property hasInvoiceNumber (boolean)

      • Deleted property isDefaultForCreditNote (boolean)

      • Deleted property sortOrder (integer)

    • Changed property freeText1 (object)

      • Added property plainText (string)
GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceGuid}/invoicesettings
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Deleted property pdfVersion (object)

    • Deleted property headerLayout (string)

PATCH /v1/invoicesettings/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed content type : application/json
GET /v1/localization/languages

Deleted: isDictionaryLanguage in query

Optional: which languages to fetch. only dictionary languages?, default all.

Changed: isInvoiceLanguage in query

Optional: which languages to fetch. only invoice languages or non invoice languages?, default all.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the Languages

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property isDictionaryLanguage (boolean)
GET /v1/localization/languages/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Deleted property isDictionaryLanguage (boolean)
GET /v1/salesstatustypes
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Sales status types

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New optional properties:

    • name
    • salesState

    • Changed property guid (string)
POST /v1/salesstatustypes

Changed content type : application/json

  • Deleted property createdBy (object)

  • Deleted property lastUpdatedBy (object)

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Sales status type

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New optional properties:

    • name
    • salesState

    • Changed property guid (string)
GET /v1/salesstatustypes/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Sales status type

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New optional properties:

    • name
    • salesState

    • Changed property guid (string)
PATCH /v1/salesstatustypes/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

List of updated sales status types

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New optional properties:

    • name
    • salesState

    • Changed property guid (string)
GET /v1/users/{userGuid}/workdays
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

User’s workdays.

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property hasWorkContract (boolean)

    • Deleted property hasFees (boolean)

    • Deleted property hasTravelExpenses (boolean)

    • Changed property date (string)

    • Changed property userGuid (string)

    • Changed property isReadOnly (boolean)

    • Changed property isOvertimeAllowed (boolean)

    • Changed property enteredHours (number)

    • Changed property isHoliday (boolean)

    • Changed property holidayName (string)

    • Changed property flextimeLimitPerDay (number)

    • Changed property absenceHours (number)

    • Changed property incompleteTimingMinutes (integer)

    • Changed property enteredTimeEntries (number)

GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceGuid}/invoicerows

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

List of Invoice rows

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property description (string)

    • Deleted property title (string)

    • Deleted property businessUnit (object)

GET /v1/invoices

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Added: invoiceStatusGuids in query

Optional: Get invoices with this status only. Default: all statuses.

Added: projectGuids in query

Optional: ID of the project to get the invoices. If not provided, returns for all projects. Default all.

Added: projectOwnerGuids in query

Optional: ID of the project manager to get the invoices for. If not provided, returns for all project managers. Default all.

Added: projectBusinessUnitGuids in query

Optional: ID of the business unit of the project. If not provided, returns for all business units. Default all.

Added: customerGuids in query

Optional: List of customer IDs. Get invoices for these customers.

Added: referenceNumbers in query

Optional: Invoice reference number. If not provided, returns invoices with any invoice reference number.

Added: numbers in query

Optional: Invoice number. If not provided, returns invoices with any invoice number.

Added: salesPersonGuids in query

Optional: ID of the salesperson to get the invoices for. If not provided, returns for all sales persons.

Added: createdByUserGuids in query

Optional: ID of the user who created the invoice. If not provided, returns for all users.

Deleted: invoiceStatusGuid in query

Optional: Get invoices with this status only. Default: all statuses.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: projectGuid in query

Optional: ID of the project to get the invoices. If not provided, returns for all projects. Default all.

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional: Calculate total number of rows.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from invoice number, reference number, project name, customer name, total value (excl. taxes).

Deleted: projectOwnerGuid in query

Optional: ID of the project manager to get the invoices for. If not provided, returns for all project managers. Default all.

Deleted: projectBusinessUnitGuid in query

Optional: ID of the business unit of the project. If not provided, returns for all business units. Default all.

Deleted: customerGuid in query

Optional: List of customer IDs. Get invoices for these customers.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=DueDate&sortings[0].value=Asc&sortings[1].key=TotalIncludingTax&sortings[1].value=Desc”

Deleted: salesPersonGuid in query

Optional: ID of the salesperson to get the invoices for. If not provided, returns for all sales persons. Default all.

Deleted: createdByUserGuid in query

Optional: ID of the user who created the invoice. If not provided, returns for all users. Default all.

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch.

Changed: minimumTotalExcludingTax in query

Optional: specifies minimum value for invoice total in organization currency.

Changed: maximumTotalExcludingTax in query

Optional: specifies maximum value for invoice total in organization currency.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

List of Invoices New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property businessUnit (object)

    • Deleted property htmlText1 (object)

    • Deleted property htmlText2 (object)

    • Deleted property footerHtml (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn1 (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn2 (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn3 (string)

    • Changed property notes (object -> string)

    • Changed property status (object)

      • Deleted property isActive (boolean)

      • Deleted property isDefault (boolean)

      • Deleted property isReadOnly (boolean)

      • Deleted property hasInvoiceNumber (boolean)

      • Deleted property isDefaultForCreditNote (boolean)

      • Deleted property sortOrder (integer)

    • Changed property freeText1 (object)

      • Added property plainText (string)
POST /v1/invoices
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Created invoice(s)

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property businessUnit (object)

    • Deleted property htmlText1 (object)

    • Deleted property htmlText2 (object)

    • Deleted property footerHtml (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn1 (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn2 (string)

    • Deleted property footerColumn3 (string)

    • Changed property notes (object -> string)

    • Changed property status (object)

      • Deleted property isActive (boolean)

      • Deleted property isDefault (boolean)

      • Deleted property isReadOnly (boolean)

      • Deleted property hasInvoiceNumber (boolean)

      • Deleted property isDefaultForCreditNote (boolean)

      • Deleted property sortOrder (integer)

    • Changed property freeText1 (object)

      • Added property plainText (string)
GET /v1/products

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Added: isActive in query

If not given, return all Products, if given as true return only isActive Products, if given as false returns only inactive Products

Deleted: active in query

If not given, return all Products, if given as true return only active Products, if given as false returns only inactive Products

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of name or code

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional: Calculate total number of rows.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Asc”

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the Products New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/projects/{projectGuid}/productsforproject

Gets available products for the given project where price information comes from projects price list


Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of name or code

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the Products matching search criteria New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/projectfees

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional: Calculate total number of rows.

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectFee New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/users/{userGuid}/projectfees

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of name or description

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectFees New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/projects/{projectGuid}/projectfees

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional. If true, calculates the total count of project fees. Default false.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 20, maximum 100.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of name or description

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=LastName&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectFees New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceGuid}/projectfees

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of name or description

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectFees New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceGuid}/uninvoicedprojectfees

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of name or description

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectFees New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/invoicerows/{invoiceRowGuid}/projectfees

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of name or description

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectFees New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/deletedprojectfees

Added: pageToken in query

Added: projectGuids in query

Optional: ID of the project for the deleted project fees to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all projects. Default all.

Added: userGuids in query

Optional: ID of the user. If not provided, returns for all users. Default all.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: projectGuid in query

Optional: ID of the project for the deleted project fees to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all projects. Default all.

Deleted: userGuid in query

Optional: ID of the user. If not provided, returns for all users. Default all.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: ?sortings[0].key=FirstName&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=LastName&sortings[1].value=Asc

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional: Calculate total number of rows.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/projects

Added: pageToken in query

Added: customerGuids in query

Added: projectGuids in query

Added: projectKeywordGuids in query

Added: projectStatusTypeGuids in query

Added: salesPersonGuids in query

Added: projectOwnerGuids in query

Added: businessUnitGuids in query

Added: customerOwnerGuids in query

Added: invoiceableDate in query

Added: marketSegmentationGuids in query

Added: salesStatusTypeGuids in query

Added: companyCurrencyGuids in query

Added: projectMemberUserGuids in query

Added: numbers in query

Deleted: customerGuid in query

Deleted: projectGuid in query

Deleted: projectKeywordGuid in query

Deleted: projectStatusTypeGuid in query

Deleted: salesPersonGuid in query

Deleted: projectOwnerGuid in query

Deleted: businessUnitGuid in query

Deleted: customerOwnerGuid in query

Deleted: invoicebleDate in query

Deleted: marketSegmentationGuid in query

Deleted: salesStatusTypeGuid in query

Deleted: companyCurrencyGuid in query

Deleted: projectMemberUserGuid in query

Deleted: number in query

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from project name, number, keywords or customer name.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional: Calculate total number of rows.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Projects New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property useWorkTypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Deleted property useWorktypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Changed property projectStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
POST /v1/projects

Changed content type : application/json

New required properties:

  • projectOwner

  • Deleted property rootPhase (object)

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Created project

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property useWorkTypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Deleted property useWorktypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Changed property projectStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
GET /v1/salescases

Added: pageToken in query

Added: customerGuids in query

Added: currencyGuids in query

Added: projectGuids in query

Added: projectKeywordGuids in query

Added: projectStatusTypeGuids in query

Added: salesPersonGuids in query

Added: projectOwnerGuids in query

Added: businessUnitGuids in query

Added: customerOwnerGuids in query

Added: invoiceableDate in query

Added: marketSegmentationGuids in query

Added: salesStatusTypeGuids in query

Added: companyCurrencyGuids in query

Added: projectMemberUserGuids in query

Added: numbers in query

Deleted: customerGuid in query

Deleted: currencyGuid in query

Deleted: projectGuid in query

Deleted: projectKeywordGuid in query

Deleted: projectStatusTypeGuid in query

Deleted: salesPersonGuid in query

Deleted: projectOwnerGuid in query

Deleted: businessUnitGuid in query

Deleted: customerOwnerGuid in query

Deleted: invoicebleDate in query

Deleted: marketSegmentationGuid in query

Deleted: salesStatusTypeGuid in query

Deleted: companyCurrencyGuid in query

Deleted: projectMemberUserGuid in query

Deleted: number in query

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from project name, number, keywords or customer name.

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional: Calculate total number of rows.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Projects New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property useWorkTypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Deleted property useWorktypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Changed property projectStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
GET /v1/customers/{customerGuid}/projects

Added: pageToken in query

Added: currencyGuids in query

Added: projectGuids in query

Added: projectKeywordGuids in query

Added: projectStatusTypeGuids in query

Added: salesPersonGuids in query

Added: projectOwnerGuids in query

Added: businessUnitGuids in query

Added: customerOwnerGuids in query

Added: invoiceableDate in query

Added: marketSegmentationGuids in query

Added: salesStatusTypeGuids in query

Added: companyCurrencyGuids in query

Added: projectMemberUserGuids in query

Added: numbers in query

Deleted: currencyGuid in query

Deleted: projectGuid in query

Deleted: projectKeywordGuid in query

Deleted: projectStatusTypeGuid in query

Deleted: salesPersonGuid in query

Deleted: projectOwnerGuid in query

Deleted: businessUnitGuid in query

Deleted: customerOwnerGuid in query

Deleted: invoicebleDate in query

Deleted: marketSegmentationGuid in query

Deleted: salesStatusTypeGuid in query

Deleted: companyCurrencyGuid in query

Deleted: projectMemberUserGuid in query

Deleted: number in query

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from project name, number, keywords or customer name.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the projects for the customer New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property useWorkTypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Deleted property useWorktypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Changed property projectStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
GET /v1/projects/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property useWorkTypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Deleted property useWorktypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Changed property projectStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
PATCH /v1/projects/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

List of updated projects

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property useWorkTypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Deleted property useWorktypesFromSetting (boolean)

    • Changed property projectStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
GET /v1/projecttravelexpenses

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectTravelExpenseOutputModel New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/users/{userGuid}/projecttravelexpenses

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of description

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectTravelExpenseOutputModel New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/projects/{projectGuid}/projecttravelexpenses

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of description

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional. If true, calculates the total count of project fees. Default false.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectTravelExpenseOutputModel New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceGuid}/projecttravelexpenses

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of description

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectTravelExpenseOutputModel New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceGuid}/uninvoicedprojecttravelexpenses

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of description

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectTravelExpenseOutputModel New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/invoicerows/{invoiceRowGuid}/projecttravelexpenses

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of description

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectTravelExpenseOutputModel New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/travelreimbursements/{travelReimbursementGuid}/projecttravelexpenses

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of description

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ProjectTravelExpenseOutputModel New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/deletedprojecttravelexpenses

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: ?sortings[0].key=FirstName&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=LastName&sortings[1].value=Asc

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional: Calculate total number of rows.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/projects/{projectGuid}/projectworkhourprices

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=worktypename&sortings[0].value=Asc&sortings[1].key=price&sortings[1].value=Desc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property project (object)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property number (integer)

    • Deleted property projectGuid (string)

GET /v1/projectworkhourprices/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property project (object)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property number (integer)

    • Deleted property projectGuid (string)

PATCH /v1/projectworkhourprices/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

list of updated work hour prices

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property project (object)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property number (integer)

    • Deleted property projectGuid (string)

POST /v1/projectworkhourprices

Changed content type : application/json

New required properties:

  • project

New optional properties:

  • projectGuid

  • Added property project (object)

    • Property guid (string)
  • Deleted property projectGuid (string)

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Created work hour prices

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property project (object)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property number (integer)

    • Deleted property projectGuid (string)

GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceGuid}/reimbursedprojectfees

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of name or description

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional. If true, calculates the total count of project fees. Default false.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ReimbursedProjectFee New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/invoicerows/{invoiceRowGuid}/reimbursedprojectfees

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of name or description

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional. If true, calculates the total count of project fees. Default false.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

ReimbursedProjectFee New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/travelreimbursements

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from travel reimbursement number.

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: How many rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property travelReimbursementStatus (object)
GET /v1/travelreimbursements/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Deleted property travelReimbursementStatus (object)
GET /v1/users

Added: pageToken in query

Added: isActive in query

If not given, return all users, if given as true return only active users, if given as false returns only inactive users

Added: businessUnitGuids in query

Optional: ID of the business unit of the user. If not provided, returns for all business units. Default all.

Added: keywordGuids in query

Optional: ID of the keyword of the user. If not provided, returns for all keywords. Default all.

Added: supervisorUserGuids in query

Optional: ID of the supervisor to get subordinates for.

Deleted: active in query

If not given, return all users, if given as true return only active users, if given as false returns only inactive users

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from user name, code, email or keywords

Deleted: businessUnitGuid in query

Optional: ID of the business unit of the user. If not provided, returns for all business units. Default all.

Deleted: keywordGuid in query

Optional: ID of the keyword of the user. If not provided, returns for all keywords. Default all.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=FirstName&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=LastName&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Deleted: supervisorUserGuid in query

Optional: ID of the supervisor to get subordinates for.

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: How many rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the users New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/workhours/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Deleted property activityGuid (string)

    • Changed property project (object)

      • Deleted property internalName (string)
PATCH /v1/workhours/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

List of updated work hours

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property activityGuid (string)

    • Changed property project (object)

      • Deleted property internalName (string)
GET /v1/workhours

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=FirstName&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=LastName&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property activityGuid (string)

    • Changed property project (object)

      • Deleted property internalName (string)
POST /v1/workhours

Changed content type : application/json

  • Deleted property activityGuid (string)
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Created work hour

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Deleted property activityGuid (string)

    • Changed property project (object)

      • Deleted property internalName (string)
GET /v1/users/{userGuid}/workhours

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=FirstName&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=LastName&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Changed: endDate in query

Optional: starting date to which to get the hours. Default all.

Changed: phaseGuid in query

Optional: ID of the phase to get the hours for. Default all.

Changed: workTypeGuid in query

Optional: ID of the work type. Default all.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

WorkHours New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property activityGuid (string)

    • Changed property project (object)

      • Deleted property internalName (string)
GET /v1/projects/{projectGuid}/workhours

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

WorkHours New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property activityGuid (string)

    • Changed property project (object)

      • Deleted property internalName (string)
GET /v1/invoicerows/{invoiceRowGuid}/workhours

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

WorkHours New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property activityGuid (string)

    • Changed property project (object)

      • Deleted property internalName (string)
GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceGuid}/workhours

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=WorkTypeName&sortings[0].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

WorkHours New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property activityGuid (string)

    • Changed property project (object)

      • Deleted property internalName (string)
GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceGuid}/uninvoicedworkhours

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=WorkTypeName&sortings[0].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

WorkHours New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property activityGuid (string)

    • Changed property project (object)

      • Deleted property internalName (string)
GET /v1/deletedworkhours

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Added: projectGuids in query

Optional: ID of the project for the deleted work hours to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all projects. Default all.

Added: userGuids in query

Optional: ID of the user. If not provided, returns for all users. Default all.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: projectGuid in query

Optional: ID of the project for the deleted work hours to be fetched. If not provided, returns for all projects. Default all.

Deleted: userGuid in query

Optional: ID of the user. If not provided, returns for all users. Default all.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (sub-model fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=FirstName&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=LastName&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/phases/{phaseGuid}/worktypes

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: hourGuid in query

Id of the hour.

Deleted: active in query

Optional: Get active or inactive work types. Default only active.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from work type name or code.

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: number of rows to fetch

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the work types matching search criteria New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

POST /v1/token
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property access_token_type (string)

    • Added property access_token_expires_in (integer)

    • Added property access_token_expires_utc (string)

    • Deleted property token_type (string)

    • Deleted property expires_in (integer)

    • Deleted property expires_utc (string)

    • Deleted property organization (object)

    • Deleted property organizationSettings (object)

    • Deleted property personalSettings (object)

POST /v1/refreshtoken
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property access_token_type (string)

    • Added property access_token_expires_in (integer)

    • Added property access_token_expires_utc (string)

    • Deleted property token_type (string)

    • Deleted property expires_in (integer)

    • Deleted property expires_utc (string)

    • Deleted property organization (object)

    • Deleted property organizationSettings (object)

    • Deleted property personalSettings (object)

GET /v1/login/oauth/authorize
Return Type:

New response : 302 Moved Temporarily Deleted response : 200 OK

POST /v1/login/oauth/access_token
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property access_token_type (string)

    • Added property access_token_expires_in (integer)

    • Added property access_token_expires_utc (string)

    • Deleted property token_type (string)

    • Deleted property expires_in (integer)

    • Deleted property expires_utc (string)

    • Deleted property organization (object)

    • Deleted property organizationSettings (object)

    • Deleted property personalSettings (object)

GET /v1/customers

Added: pageToken in query

Added: isActive in query

If not given, return all Customers, if given as true return only active Customers, if given as false returns only inactive Customers.

Added: customerOwnerGuids in query

Optional: List of customer owner ids to search for. Default all.

Added: isInternal in query

Optional: When true returns only internal customer

Added: numbers in query

Optional: List of customer numbers.

Deleted: active in query

If not given, return all Customers, if given as true return only active Customers, if given as false returns only inactive Customers.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from customer name, number or address, company vat number.

Deleted: customerOwnerGuid in query

Optional: List of customer owner ids to search for. Default all.

Deleted: internal in query

Optional: When true returns only internal customer

Deleted: number in query

Optional: List of customer numbers.

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: How many rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the customers New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

GET /v1/organizationdetails
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property odpCompany (string)

    • Added property activeCompanies (array)

      Items (object):

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property rootBusinessUnitGuid (string)

      • Property country (object)

        • Property name (string)

        • Property guid (string)

        • Property code3 (string)

        • Property englishName (string)

      • Property currencyGuid (string)

      • Property currencyRate (number)

      • Property currencyCode (string)

      • Property currencySymbol (string)

    • Added property activeAddons (array)

      Items (string):

    • Changed property country (object)

      • Changed property name (string)

      • Changed property code (string)

      • Changed property englishName (string)

    • Changed property language (object)

      • Changed property name (string)

      • Changed property code (string)

PATCH /v1/organizationdetails
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

organization details

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property odpCompany (string)

    • Added property activeCompanies (array)

      Items (object):

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property rootBusinessUnitGuid (string)

      • Property country (object)

        • Property name (string)

        • Property guid (string)

        • Property code3 (string)

        • Property englishName (string)

      • Property currencyGuid (string)

      • Property currencyRate (number)

      • Property currencyCode (string)

      • Property currencySymbol (string)

    • Added property activeAddons (array)

      Items (string):

    • Changed property country (object)

      • Changed property name (string)

      • Changed property code (string)

      • Changed property englishName (string)

    • Changed property language (object)

      • Changed property name (string)

      • Changed property code (string)

GET /v1/phases/{phaseGuid}/phasemembers

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: Page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from user name.

Changed: isActive in query

Optional: Is the member active on the phase. Filters only root phase members. Default nothing = all.

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: How many rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the phase members New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New optional properties:

    • phaseGuid

    • Added property currentWorkContractTitle (string)

    • Added property phase (object)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property name (string)

    • Deleted property phaseGuid (string)

    • Deleted property workHoursIncludingChildPhases (number)

    • Deleted property workHours (number)

    • Deleted property currentWorkcontractTitle (string)

    • Changed property isActive (boolean)

GET /v1/phases

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Added: projectGuids in query

Optional: List of project ids.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Text to search from phase name, project name and customer name.

Deleted: calculateRowCount in query

Optional: Calculate total number of rows.

Deleted: projectGuid in query

Optional: List of project ids.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property isCompleted (boolean)

    • Added property isLocked (boolean)

    • Deleted property completed (boolean)

    • Deleted property locked (boolean)

    • Deleted property phaseMembers (array)

    • Changed property currencyCode (string -> object)

    • Changed property phaseStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
POST /v1/phases


Changed content type : application/json

  • Added property isCompleted (boolean)

  • Added property isLocked (boolean)

  • Deleted property completed (boolean)

  • Deleted property locked (boolean)

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Created phase

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property isCompleted (boolean)

    • Added property isLocked (boolean)

    • Deleted property completed (boolean)

    • Deleted property locked (boolean)

    • Deleted property phaseMembers (array)

    • Changed property currencyCode (string -> object)

    • Changed property phaseStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
GET /v1/phases/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property isCompleted (boolean)

    • Added property isLocked (boolean)

    • Deleted property completed (boolean)

    • Deleted property locked (boolean)

    • Deleted property phaseMembers (array)

    • Changed property currencyCode (string -> object)

    • Changed property phaseStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
PATCH /v1/phases/{guid}

JSON Patch document of PhaseInputModel

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Updated phase

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property isCompleted (boolean)

    • Added property isLocked (boolean)

    • Deleted property completed (boolean)

    • Deleted property locked (boolean)

    • Deleted property phaseMembers (array)

    • Changed property currencyCode (string -> object)

    • Changed property phaseStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
GET /v1/projects/{guid}/phaseswithhierarchy
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the phases for the project

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property isCompleted (boolean)

    • Added property isLocked (boolean)

    • Deleted property completed (boolean)

    • Deleted property locked (boolean)

    • Deleted property phaseMembers (array)

    • Changed property currencyCode (string -> object)

    • Changed property phaseStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
GET /v1/rootphaseswithhierarchy

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Added: customerGuids in query

Added: projectGuids in query

Added: projectKeywordGuids in query

Added: projectStatusTypeGuids in query

Added: salesPersonGuids in query

Added: projectOwnerGuids in query

Added: businessUnitGuids in query

Added: customerOwnerGuids in query

Added: salesStatusTypeGuids in query

Added: projectMemberUserGuids in query

Deleted: customerGuid in query

Deleted: projectGuid in query

Deleted: projectKeywordGuid in query

Deleted: projectStatusTypeGuid in query

Deleted: salesPersonGuid in query

Deleted: projectOwnerGuid in query

Deleted: businessUnitGuid in query

Deleted: customerOwnerGuid in query

Deleted: salesStatusTypeGuid in query

Deleted: projectMemberUserGuid in query

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Optional: Used to search a phase by a search text from phase name, project name or number, customer name. Search is case insensitive. Default empty.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=Name&sortings[0].value=Desc&sortings[1].key=Number&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property isCompleted (boolean)

    • Added property isLocked (boolean)

    • Deleted property completed (boolean)

    • Deleted property locked (boolean)

    • Deleted property phaseMembers (array)

    • Changed property currencyCode (string -> object)

    • Changed property phaseStatus (object)

      • Deleted property icon (string)
GET /v1/phasestatustypes

Changed: textToSearch in query

Changed: calculateRowCount in query

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the phase status types

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New optional properties:

    • iconName

    • Deleted property iconName (object)

POST /v1/phasestatustypes

Changed content type : application/json

New optional properties:

  • iconName

  • Deleted property iconName (object)

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Created phase status type

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New optional properties:

    • iconName

    • Deleted property iconName (object)

GET /v1/phasestatustypes/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed content type : application/json

    New optional properties:

    • iconName

    • Deleted property iconName (object)

PATCH /v1/phasestatustypes/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

list of updated phase status type

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New optional properties:

    • iconName

    • Deleted property iconName (object)

GET /v1/products/{productGuid}/productcountrysettings
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the ProductCountrySettings (tax related information)

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property vatRate (number)

    • Deleted property valueAddedTax (number)

POST /v1/productcountrysettings

Changed content type : application/json

  • Added property vatRate (number)

  • Deleted property valueAddedTax (number)

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Inserted product country setting

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property vatRate (number)

    • Deleted property valueAddedTax (number)

PATCH /v1/productcountrysettings/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

List of updated product country settings

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Added property vatRate (number)

    • Deleted property valueAddedTax (number)

GET /v1/projects/{projectGuid}/projectbillingcustomers
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Project’s billing customers

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    • Deleted property billingAddress (object)

    • Deleted property billingContact (object)

GET /v1/projects/{projectGuid}/projectproducts

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Deleted: textToSearch in query

Searched string: part of name or description

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

A list of products for the project. New header : NextPageToken

Page token to fetch the next page

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New optional properties:

    • projectGuid

    • Added property project (object)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property number (integer)

    • Deleted property projectGuid (string)

POST /v1/projectproducts

Changed content type : application/json

New required properties:

  • project

New optional properties:

  • projectGuid

  • Added property project (object)

    • Property guid (string)
  • Deleted property projectGuid (string)

  • Changed property product (object)

    • Deleted property productCode (string)

    • Deleted property productType (string)

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Added project product

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New optional properties:

    • projectGuid

    • Added property project (object)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property number (integer)

    • Deleted property projectGuid (string)

GET /v1/projectstatustypes
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

All the ProjectStatusTypes

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New optional properties:

    • iconName

    • Deleted property icon (string)

    • Deleted property iconName (string)

POST /v1/projectstatustypes

Changed content type : application/json

New optional properties:

  • iconName

  • Deleted property iconName (string)

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Project status type

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New optional properties:

    • iconName

    • Deleted property icon (string)

    • Deleted property iconName (string)

GET /v1/projectstatustypes/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed content type : application/json

    New optional properties:

    • iconName

    • Deleted property icon (string)

    • Deleted property iconName (string)

PATCH /v1/projectstatustypes/{guid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

List of updated business units

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object):

    New optional properties:

    • iconName

    • Deleted property icon (string)

    • Deleted property iconName (string)

GET /v1/users/{userGuid}/resourceallocations/allocations

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=UserFirstName&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=UserLastName&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property createdDateTime (string)

    • Added property createdBy (object)

      • Property code (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property firstName (string)

      • Property lastName (string)

    • Added property lastUpdatedDateTime (string)

    • Added property lastUpdatedBy (object)

      • Property code (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property firstName (string)

      • Property lastName (string)

    • Added property guid (string)

    • Added property startDate (string)

    • Added property endDate (string)

    • Added property derivedStartDate (string)

    • Added property derivedEndDate (string)

    • Added property allocationPercentage (integer)

    • Added property allocationHours (number)

    • Added property calculatedAllocationHours (number)

    • Added property projectMemberGuid (string)

    • Added property customer (object)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property name (string)

    • Added property user (object)

      • Property code (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property firstName (string)

      • Property lastName (string)

    • Added property project (object)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property isInternal (boolean)

      • Property number (integer)

    • Added property phase (object)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property startDate (string)

      • Property endDate (string)

    • Deleted property totalCount (integer)

    • Deleted property header (object)

    • Deleted property data (array)

GET /v1/projects/{projectGuid}/resourceallocations/allocations

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=UserFirstName&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=UserLastName&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property createdDateTime (string)

    • Added property createdBy (object)

      • Property code (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property firstName (string)

      • Property lastName (string)

    • Added property lastUpdatedDateTime (string)

    • Added property lastUpdatedBy (object)

      • Property code (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property firstName (string)

      • Property lastName (string)

    • Added property guid (string)

    • Added property startDate (string)

    • Added property endDate (string)

    • Added property derivedStartDate (string)

    • Added property derivedEndDate (string)

    • Added property allocationPercentage (integer)

    • Added property allocationHours (number)

    • Added property calculatedAllocationHours (number)

    • Added property projectMemberGuid (string)

    • Added property customer (object)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property name (string)

    • Added property user (object)

      • Property code (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property firstName (string)

      • Property lastName (string)

    • Added property project (object)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property isInternal (boolean)

      • Property number (integer)

    • Added property phase (object)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property startDate (string)

      • Property endDate (string)

    • Deleted property totalCount (integer)

    • Deleted property header (object)

    • Deleted property data (array)

GET /v1/phases/{phaseGuid}/resourceallocations/allocations

Added: pageToken in query

Optional: page token to fetch the next page.

Deleted: sortings in query

Optional: A list of Key-Value pairs, containing names of fields and directions by which the results should be sorted. Any sortable field name (submodel fields not supported) in the model can be used, while value can be “Desc” or “Asc”. Example: “?sortings[0].key=UserFirstName&sortings[0].value=Desc &sortings[1].key=UserLastName&sortings[1].value=Asc”

Deleted: firstRow in query

Optional: first row to fetch. Default 0 = first row.

Changed: rowCount in query

Optional: Number of rows to fetch.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property createdDateTime (string)

    • Added property createdBy (object)

      • Property code (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property firstName (string)

      • Property lastName (string)

    • Added property lastUpdatedDateTime (string)

    • Added property lastUpdatedBy (object)

      • Property code (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property firstName (string)

      • Property lastName (string)

    • Added property guid (string)

    • Added property startDate (string)

    • Added property endDate (string)

    • Added property derivedStartDate (string)

    • Added property derivedEndDate (string)

    • Added property allocationPercentage (integer)

    • Added property allocationHours (number)

    • Added property calculatedAllocationHours (number)

    • Added property projectMemberGuid (string)

    • Added property customer (object)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property name (string)

    • Added property user (object)

      • Property code (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property firstName (string)

      • Property lastName (string)

    • Added property project (object)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property isInternal (boolean)

      • Property number (integer)

    • Added property phase (object)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property guid (string)

      • Property startDate (string)

      • Property endDate (string)

    • Deleted property totalCount (integer)

    • Deleted property header (object)

    • Deleted property data (array)